About DERA
DERA is an international non-governmental membership organization comprised of individuals and organizations from all disciplines. DERA is an all volunteer organization. There are no paid staff.
We have members that are current or former business managers, military and government employees, religious and civic leaders, volunteers at time of specific disasters, and regular people that are interested preventing or reducing the impact of and recovering from disasters.
Incorporated in 1962 as a not for profit with a base in Amateur Radio [Ham] communications, DERA started many years earlier when communications over distance was expensive, often difficult and sometimes not readily available. At that time disasters were only referred to when they were large in size. Fires, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, railroad accident, ships floundering at sea, etc. The definition has changed over the years.
Today, a disaster can still be any of those issues but may also be the loss of a key member in an organization, inability to get needed services, or area wide issues that have a ripple effect to multiple organizations.
Communications have changed too, from large hand-built radios, to transistor-based units, to small handheld units with a far reach. The implementation of repeater stations, communications over the internet, and ever evolving technology including satellites and smart phones continue to change the communications landscape.
DERA remains at the forefront of disaster preparedness and response with a robust membership, partners and resources ready to assist in disaster situations around the globe.
Follow DERA’s DisasterCom group on Facebook
Visit and join DisasterCom Facebook group at www.facebook.com/groups/DisasterCom
As the terminology for disasters has evolved, so has DERA’s mission.
We focus on three primary areas: Preparedness, Logistics and Communications.
Further, DERA provides Resources to our members related to disaster Preparedness, Logistics, and Communications.
DERA Leadership

Howard Pierpont, CBCP, MBCI
Howard is President and Chief Education Officer of the Institute. With a 35-year background in business management, information technology, security and corporate leadership, Howard holds numerous credentials including Certified Business Continuity Planner and Community Recovery Assistance Crew Leader.
In recent years, he has led dozens of comprehensive community preparedness and business continuity workshops throughout the U.S, working closely with federal, state and local officials as well as representatives from private business and nonprofit organizations.
Howard is an instructor and charter member of the International Consortium for Organizational Resilience (ICOR). He has done extensive research and consulting in Information Technology, Hazard Mitigation, alternative technologies for pre and post disaster mitigation along with supply chain risk mitigation, assessment, and management.
Howard is widely acknowledged as "America's Business Continuity Coach."

Bascombe J. Wilson, CEM
Bascombe is Executive Vice President, Chief of International Programs and Director of Research for the Institute. He has over 40 years' experience in preparedness programs with federal, state and local agencies, and has held the Certified Emergency Manager credential since 1995.
Bascombe is a retired U.S. Air Force Colonel with experience managing global telecommunications and regional disaster planning and response teams. He has provided preparedness assistance to senior leadership at some of the largest corporations in the world and has also assisted local utilities, small business, tribal governments and counties throughout the U.S. in a variety of preparedness efforts, employee training programs and disaster recovery operations. He is author of one of the definitive texts in the field of preparedness, titled Disaster Emergency Communications.
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DERA Leadership

Howard Pierpont, CBCP, MBCI
Howard is President and Chief Education Officer of the Institute. With a 35-year background in business management, information technology, security and corporate leadership, Howard holds numerous credentials including Certified Business Continuity Planner and Community Recovery Assistance Crew Leader.
In recent years, he has led dozens of comprehensive community preparedness and business continuity workshops throughout the U.S, working closely with federal, state and local officials as well as representatives from private business and nonprofit organizations.
Howard in an instructor and charter member of the International Consortium for Organizational Resilience (ICOR). Howard has done extensive research and consulting in Information Technology, Hazard Mitigation, alternative technologies for pre and post disaster mitigation along with supply chain risk mitigation, assessment, and management.
Howard is widely acknowledged as "America's Business Continuity Coach."

Bascombe J. Wilson, CEM
Bascombe is Executive Vice President, Chief of International Programs and Director of Research for the Institute. He has over 40 years' experience in preparedness programs with federal, state and local agencies, and has held the Certified Emergency Manager credential since 1995.
Bascombe is a retired U.S. Air Force Colonel with experience managing global telecommunications and regional disaster planning and response teams. He has provided preparedness assistance to senior leadership at some of the largest corporations in the world and has also assisted local utilities, small business, tribal governments and counties throughout the U.S. in a variety of preparedness efforts, employee training programs and disaster recovery operations. He is author of one of the definitive texts in the field of preparedness, titled Disaster Emergency Communications.