Become a DERA Member
Please select your desired membership classification and let us know your primary interest or profession.
The name and mailing address you use on the payment page will be the information we initially use for your membership. We will mail you a membership welcome package with a personal profile form which you can use to make any changes, such as titles or certifications, mailing preferences, etc.
When you click the “Add to Cart” button, you will be taken to a secure online payment site hosted by PayPal where all major cards are accepted. You do not have to be registered with PayPal to join DERA online–at the payment page, just look for the credit card logos at the lower left and click on the blue “continue” link.
Being a DERA member enhances your organization’s mission capabilities.
DERA membership gives you a connection to our worldwide network of members who are respected as leaders in the field of emergency management.
Please select a membership level below:
Join by Mail
If you wish to instead register by mail, please print this 2-page PDF application form and send check or money order to:
DERA Membership
C/O Howard Pierpont
P.O. Box 33
Mineola, TX 75773